Getting Ready With Dysphoria (2023)
Sometimes something as simple as finding an outfit triggers my dysphoria. I’m hoping this video makes people feel less alone in their experiences with this.
Shot Anxiety (2023)
(TW: needles) You don’t really realize how hard injecting yourself with a needle is until it become part of your weekly routine. Especially when you know you have to do it the rest of your life. I wanted to create something that captured the shot anxiety I have when injecting testosterone every week as a trans man.
Queer Love Exists (2023)
For Valentine’s Day I wanted to create something to bring awareness to trans and queer love. As a trans man, I never thought I would find someone who loves me as I am. It’s hard loving myself some days. So yeah, love is hard…especially as a queer person.
Trans People Exist (2023)
Words can’t really explain how I’ve been feeling recently regarding all the anti - trans bills in the United States and the hate my community has been facing recently. As an artist I’m hoping my work can speak for myself as well as the trans community and reach the audience that needs to see this, especially right now. This is happening and I honestly wish more people were talking about it… Trans people exist, so stop trying to erase us.
Stop the Hate (2023)
As someone who is very open about my transition on social media, I’ve experienced a lot of transphobia. I wanted to find a way to raise awareness for this topic so as always, the best way for me to do that is through my art. To be visible as a trans person is necessary for our community but at the same time, it’s risking our safety. The hate that I get on a daily basis has become a part of that decision for me to be so open about my transition, especially on social media. It’s scary knowing that people out there have absolutely no idea this is happening, or even people out there who do and want me dead. But there are also people out there who NEED my visibility as a trans person. Those are the people I post for, so if that’s you, I hope this reaches you.
Stop Gendering Periods (2023)
(PSA: As a trans man over 3 years on testosterone I do NOT get my period anymore. But there are plenty of people in the trans and non-binary community who do NOT identity as a woman, that do. People of ALL genders can have periods, so let’s stop gendering it.)
There are way too many misconceptions about periods and the inclusion of trans people so I thought I would use my work as an opportunity to raise awareness and help educate those on this topic. I’m hoping this could somehow shift the way we talk about reproductive health and periods and make it more gender inclusive. Periods are not just “female healthcare.” Women are not the only period who have periods. If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this video it’s to stop using gendered language when referring to periods and menstruation.
Shaving As A Trans Man (2023)
Brand: Lacura
I recently partnered with Lacura, a brand of razors that are predominant in Europe and entering Aldi stores in the United States, to promote their product and what they stand for. They are trying to move away from unnecessarily gendered razors and try not to follow the stereotype of offering blue mens razors and pink women’s razors. I wanted to create a post that would not only promote their brand and and the queer community but also touch on the subject of shaving from the trans perspective.
Don’t Compare Yourself (2023)
The feeling of comparing yourself to a cis man and the want and need to have a body like theirs is something I know a lot of other trans men experience. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I were born in the right body. I think about how much easier it would be. But then I remind myself that I wouldn’t be who I am today if it wasn’t for who I used to be. Although it might’ve been easier being born in the right body, all of the struggles and experiences we go through as trans men just make us better men. So try not to compare yourself or your body to anyone else. Focus on you and your own growth.
4 Years Post Op (2025)
Yesterday was my 4 years post op. Loving my body has been a long journey… one I’m still on. It takes time, and that’s okay. I shot and edited this film as a way to celebrate and give you all a little reminder with my art. I know things seem terrifying right now. A lot of you are worried you won’t be able to get hormones or surgeries. Just know, that no matter what happens, you are loved exactly as you are.There is an entire community here to fight for us. Gender affirming care saves lives. Without it, I probably wouldn’t be here. So I will ALWAYS keep fighting for it.
Living in America As A Trans Person (2025)
I don’t even have the words anymore to explain my feelings about Trump’s speech today. So I hope my art can speak for itself. Today is a hard day for so many of us. This country is becoming an extremely dangerous place for trans people. But that will not stop us from existing. We were here before Trump and we will be here after him. They cannot erase our existence. This is my reminder to my community that you aren’t alone. We’re in this fight together.