27 waiting to receive a letter

75 waiting to send a letter

I want this to be a heartfelt initiative during the holidays that connects trans kids with supportive people around the world through meaningful letters. This will offer queer youth, especially those who may not have affirming support in their immediate lives, a source of love, understanding, and acceptance. With the rising anti-trans sentiment in this country, many trans youth feel isolated and in need of words of support. I want to show them that they’re not alone and that there ARE people who care deeply about their well-being and their happiness. Letters of Light is a way to remind trans youth that they are loved, respected, and valued in this world. Every letter will serve as a beacon of light, showing them that they are not alone in this journey.


Sign up to Write - Anyone — of any age and from anywhere in the world — can sign up to write a letter of support to a trans kid. Each letter will carry words of encouragement and love, showing young trans people that they’re seen, valued, and supported.

Sign up to Receive - Trans kids of all ages will be able to sign up through my website to receive a letter filled with support from someone somewhere in the world. This will be a chance for them to hear from someone who cares, and wants them to know they are not alone. This can be a light for those who feel isolated, especially if they lack family support.

*Each letter is initially a one time exchange, but if the trans kid who receives the letter would like to stay in touch they can request the writer’s contact information and if the writer accepts they can choose to continue the pen-pal relationship! Please only sign up if you feel connected to this message. This is not a place for hate or violence.