About Me

Photographer, Designer, Content Creator, & Activist for LGBTQ+ rights specializing in social media marketing and brand development.

Samuel Avery

Samuel Avery Giardina is a 26 year old photographer from Berlin, Connecticut. As a transgender artist himself, he’s dedicated his career to raising awareness for his community through his work. He started taking photos in 2020, the year he started his transition, and has since then found a passion for telling trans stories through his photography. He’s been able to capture his own journey through his self portraits while using them as a driving force in creating advocacy for the trans community. He then started documenting other trans people’s experiences through his editorial photography work...

“I’m turning trans people into art. I want my community to feel seen... but I also want people to finally see us. So my goal... I want to change the world with my art.”

I was born and raised in Berlin, Connecticut and graduated from Bryant University with a Marketing degree and double minors in psychology and communication. I am currently working full time as a photographer and designer for my small business, Sam Avery Media.

Something else I like to make aware about myself is that I am transgender. I came out as trans in 2020 and have been on testosterone since April of that same year. A lot of my self portrait photography is inspired by the emotions I’ve experienced throughout my trans journey. A big part of who I am comes from being trans and I like to raise awareness for the LGBTQ+ community by talking about my transition and being a resource for information about my community. For 21 years of my life I went by a different name. One that didn’t fit. It wasn’t until I came out as transgender and chose my full name that I knew who I was. Before then everything was kind of just a question mark for me. I chose Samuel Avery for myself and I’ve since created Sam Avery Media for others. I want to be able to capture other’s experiences as well as my own. There’s way too much hate in this world and if I can use my photography and my designs to somehow make a difference, I’m going to do exactly that. My self portraits are dedicated to raising awareness for transgender, mental health, and LGBTQ topics. My portraits are dedicated to capturing the experience and emotion for people of all identities, sexualities, races, etc. I’ve begun to document the world as well and sell prints because for the first time in my life, I’m experiencing the world as the person I was meant to be."

Feel free to check out the links below where I was interviewed about my story regarding my work, coming out and transitioning.

Shower Thought Series (2020): https://www.showerthoughtsseries.com/post/be-you-the-world-will-adjust-an-interview-with-sam-giardina

Voyage Michigan (2020):https://voyagemichigan.com/interview/conversations-with-samuel-giardina/

Canvas Rebel (2021):https://canvasrebel.com/meet-samuel-giardina/

New Haven Arts (2022): https://www.newhavenarts.org/arts-paper/articles/at-pride-center-photos-bring-trans-life-into-focus?fbclid=IwAR0Qq8_sCJRmUlVLHHKn20j-Tn3ggaSVK9iFedRqanoHeeywM2CIm8ScJx4

Transqat Podcast (2023): Listen

Human Kind Clothing (2023): https://www.humankindclothing.com/blogs/hk-journal/community-spotlight-samuel-avery

Talker News (2023): https://talker.news/2023/04/27/trans-man-says-he-is-treated-better-than-when-he-lived-as-a-woman/

Real Fix (2023): https://fb.watch/kHs9USt3-v/

NBC News Connecticut “Out and About Market”: https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/parkville-market-will-celebrate-pride-month-with-first-out-and-about-market/3056934/

NBC Live: https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/entertainment/ct-live/ct-live-local-artist-set-to-open-new-studio/3148331/?fbclid=IwAR1IqxYfpHFEC4s0SOOL2BvNaqXYHCic_TCPnc_QzVpM86y1IMb5EnFKIJ4_aem_AYxPvYMcjvWpmUTcGR8jQ

Shoutout Michigan: https://shoutoutmichigan.com/meet-samuel-avery-giardina-artist/

HRTea Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOQIQjY355o&t=925s

Transqat Podcast (2025): https://open.spotify.com/episode/4Bszzt6eg80iy2glZy6hOT?si=6b5w6XBBRkCDs6jQKo4BcA&nd=1&dlsi=2c16c48480cf4ff9

Publications & Awards